An art-as-therapy project which tries to find a visual lexicon for mental health struggles.
Act 1: PANDEMANIAC, made in 2020, draws on crafting, costume, witchcraft, assemblage and theatrical ideas of alienation to queer lockdown and offer a heightened version of the artist's lived experience.
By turns playful and unsettling, the series moves through the pandemic crisis to consider the broader themes it raises: fear, desire, loss, superstition, the death drive, and our human need to connect.
Interludes are site-specific live performance pieces which expand on the aesthetic and conceptual concerns of the series.
2023 "Eye Body", T J Boulting, London, UK
2023 Peckham 24, London, UK
2021 Auckland Festival of Photography, New Zealand
2021 FORMAT21, Derby, UK
2021 "The Force of Fantasy", SEAS, Brighton, UK

2021 British Journal of Photography: essay by Isaac Huxtable
2021 Queer Lockdown and the Reflective Mask: Towards a reading of PANDEMANIAC at Derby University/Format Festival Conference